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Nature’s Narratives: The Flow: Rivers, Water, and Wilderness

February 12 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Nature’s Narratives is the monthly book discussion group for Scott Arboretum & Gardens. Join fellow garden enthusiasts and book lovers to discuss books about plants, nature, and the environment.

Amy-Jane Beer returns to the river where her friend died and remembers her connection with nature and water, and brings the reader along for the ride. 

Participants are encouraged, but not required, to read each month’s selection prior to the discussion. Discussions are led by horticulturist and book-lover Elizabeth Haegele and participants are welcome to share or simply listen.

Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Program Details

  • Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom meeting link.
  • The meeting link will be included in the confirmation email received after registering online.
  • Participants must download Zoom.
  • Email us if you have accessibility needs for this program.
  • For more information, review our program and event policies or call the Scott office at 610-328-8025. 


February 12
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
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