Lets Move!

Lets Move!

Playing parachute in the Cherry Border. photo credit: R. RobertWith the arrival of warm weather, everyone is out enjoying the gardens. Families can be seen picnicking under the cherry blossoms while kids are rolling down the green hill. Spontaneous games of frisbee, tag, or ball are erupting all over campus from Parrish Lawn to the Cherry Border. Gardens are a wonderful place to get your recommended 60 minutes of play each day.

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Enjoy a morning stroll and sniff under the magnolias. photo credit: R. Robert

The Scott Arboretum and American Public Garden Association have partnered with Lets Move! This is a comprehensive initiative, launched by First Lady Michelle Obama, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and more able to pursue their dreams.

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Crawling through cherry trees is a fun explorers game. photo credit: R. Maurer

Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. In combination with healthy eating, it can help prevent a range of chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, and stroke, the three leading causes of death. Physical activity helps control weight; builds lean muscle; reduces fat; promotes strong bone, muscle, and joint development; and decreases the risk of obesity. Children need 60 minutes of play with moderate to vigorous activity every day to grow up to a healthy weight.

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There are some great trails in the Crum Woods for trail running. photo credit: R. Robert

To increase physical activity, today’s children need safe routes to walk and bike to school; parks, playgrounds, and community centers where they can play after school; and activities like sports, dance or fitness programs that are exciting and challenging enough to keep them engaged.


There are trails for biking and triking through the gardens. photo credit: R. Maurer

The garden offers a safe and delightful place to increase physical activity. To help you prepare for your play time, the Scott Arboretum has updated its Wellness Trail brochure. This brochure shows four trails for bikers, walkers, runners, and kids to traverse. It details distances,  difficulty levels, and timing for each trail. Thus you can plan your walk based on the challenge you want depending on your time and goals for the day.

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Garden remnants like fallen cherry blossoms are ideal for show and tell. photo credit: R. Robert

All these trails intersect with various gardens, allowing ample opportunity for educational moments about plants, bugs, and birds. Some families use these trails to collect garden remnants (fallen leaves, blooms, sticks, etc.) for show and tell and art projects. It is fascinating way to observe the changing seasons.

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Enjoying a walk underneath the cherry trees. photo credit: R. Robert

Let’s Move! aims to increase opportunities for kids to be physically active, both in and out of school and to create new opportunities for families to move together. The Scott Arboretum is a place where you can become an active family by engaging in physical activity each day: a total of 60 minutes for children, 30 minutes for adults. With free admission, the Arboretum is also a component of an active community by providing a fun and accessible spot for running, dancing, jumping, and hill rolling.

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Taking a tour is another great way to excerise and learn at the same time. photo credit: R. Robert

We invite you come and play in our gardens this spring, lets move!

Becky Robert
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