The Muses Were Heard….

The Muses Were Heard….

Last week the Scott Entrance Garden and Terry Shane Teaching Garden served as a source of inspiration to a number of talented young women. The girls were participants in the class led by Joanne Sutton-Smith and Karen Winward of the Swarthmore Writer’s Room. The class entitled Drawing, Painting and Poetry in the Crum integrated their field experience with artistic expression.

The following poem was written by eleven year old, Melinda Rossi of Swarthmore:

Moonlight Hydrangea

So small and delicate,
Your tiny green dots, upside-down Christmas trees,
Your ivory heart-leaves, Japanese lanterns.
Their fiery glow lights the lake beneath.
You feel velvety, like the outside of a peach.
My mouth waters for your minty taste.
Your scent is tropical fruit.
As the breeze blows, your leaves are fluttering butterfly wings weightless and free.

Jacqui West
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